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Easter in Oxford


Hippity Hoppity. Easter in Oxford.

I keep forgetting that Easter is just a week and a half away! This year, April 1 is seriously creeping up on me, but old man weather is not helping this situation either. I’ve heard it at least a dozen times today: “Rain, Rain, Go away. I’m so ready for warm weather.” Well I’m just ready for the SUN!

But since Easter and Spring Break are only weeks apart this year, I’m sure many of you parents are either traveling to spend Easter in Oxford. Or many students are staying here, since it’s not a super long weekend. (Tear). BUT having Good Friday off is a reason to celebrate!

Where I grew up, in New Jersey, we never had “Spring Break.” We only had “Easter Break,” the week either leading up Easter, or post Easter. Always, always depended on when the IOWA testing’s were. (Now I’m really dating myself!)

So, what’s it like here in Oxford for Easter? Southern Sweet. The sight of all the Easter egg hunts happening on lawns of church member's homes... the little boys who are still wearing white knee-high socks, while gawking at mama still happens and the ever present "where can I eat Easter lunch” problem exists. Every. Year.

Each church here puts on their own special Easter service, and the Ole Miss students do their part to put on a special Easter experience for the little kiddos of Oxford in the Grove with a huge egg hunt.

The American Cancer Society – College Against Cancer (Ole Miss Chapter) even secretly puts out Easter eggs in a donor’s yard, the night before Easter, so when dawn breaks, your yard has most certainly been visited by the Easter Bunny! (I did sign up for this!)

One thing that amazes me about Easter traditions and very obviously at the time and place I’m at in my life, is the context of the Easter Baskets. I was accustomed to sugar comas and melted chocolate bunnies. Today? Well, some of our fellow Oxford kids are getting mini-Christmas’s with baskets filled with the latest Nintendo craze, LOL Dolls, American Girl Dolls, iTunes Gift cards and bathing suits, trips and more! WHAT EASTER BUNNY DO THEY HAVE, THAT I DIDN’T? I survived. I’m an 80’s kid.

But I get it… its an obvious point to show your kids just how much you love them. Not like we need an excuse, but it does make it a whole lot more convenient of an excuse as to why the UPS man is at my house. Again. For the 3rd time this week.

When I came to Ole Miss I started hearing this word “happies.” “Oh I’m just bringing you a little happy.” Or “here’s a happy to brighten your day.” I guess this really showed my regionalism and my lack of Southern hospitality at the time. I had no idea what a “happy” was. Then I got one. And yes, it really made me “happy.”

Today, while browsing Oxford Floral (a small addiction of mine) I was making mental notes of “this would make a great happy for me… if my husband ever asks.” They had these super cute bath sugar cubes. Then I turn around and I immediately start eyeballing their new pattern of Casafina mugs, and of course, I’ll always be a sucker for their PJ Harlow jammies. How did one exist to sleep well before PJ Harlow!?

If ever asked, I’d also add Volupsa candles from Neilson's and Chaney's Pharmacy for all my best desk accessories, and high-end hair products and their candle selection is second to none. Lets not forget about the endless Oxford t-shirt supply from JCG Graphics.

Holli’s Sweet Tooth can still sweeten up this Easter holiday, if your idea of Easter is the same as mine.

Be sure to check out these local resources as you perhaps attempt your own Easter holiday, either here in Oxford or afar.

Easter is on his way!

Inn at Ole Miss

Chancellors Houses


City Grocery




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