POM Choice Awards 2024
A business is only as good as its recommendation.
While we here at POM are local, we wanted to hear from YOU, the parents, who also utilize and learn about Oxford businesses.
Here are your 2024 Winners!
Activity in Oxford: Double Decker
Animal Clinic: Magnolia Small Animal
Asian: Jinsei
Attorney: McKenzie Little
Bank: Cadence
Brunch: First Watch
Bakery: BottleTree
BBQ: Handy Andy
Best Kept Secret: Pizza Den
Birthday Cake
Burger: Handy Andy
Car Detailing: Dirt Doctor
Car Service: Brannon Auto
Campus Dining Spot: Oxford Farmers Market Community Truck
Casual Dinner
Catering: Taylor Grocery
Chiropractor: Oxford Chiropractic
Cocktail: St. Leo
Coffee: Shadracks
Counseling: Wellness Center of Oxford
Crawfish: Landshark
Fine Dining: St. Leo
Dentist: Oxford Dental
Furnishings for Dorm, Apartment or Home: Inside Discount
Dorm Designer: After 5
Eye Doctor: Oxford Eye Clinic
Errand/Concierge: Oxford Town Concierge
Fitness Studio: Hotworx
Florist: Oxford Floral
Food Delivery: Door Dash
Game Day Attire for Students: I just have to have it
Gift for Student: Olive Juice
Grove Tent: Take it To the Grove
Hair Salon: The Parlor
Hotel: Graduate
Housekeeping: Hot Mops
Hunting: Hunters Hollow
Laundry: Rainbow Cleaners
Liquor: Magnolia Wine
Lunch: Volta
Meal on a Budget: Handy Andy
Men's Game Day Outfits: Hinton & Hinton
Mexican: El Agave
Moving Company: 3 Men and a Truck
Nail Salon: Apex
Nutrition Drinks: OxfordSip
Off-Campus Student Housing: Domain
Patio: Boure
Pet Services: Delta Dog
Pharmacy: Chaneys
Photographer: Taylor Square
Pizza: Lost Pizza
Place to Watch the Game: Landshark
Primary Care Physician: Dr. Kim Webb
Realtor: Anne Fair
Rebel Gear: Rebel Rags
Salad: Volta
Spa: Live Well Therapeutic
Storage Facility: Your Extra Closet
Sweet Treat: Yayas
Taxi Service: Austin and Magnolia TIE!
Technology Support: ATT
To-Go Orders: Lost Pizza
Tutor: King Twin Tutoring
Urgent Care Center: Oxford Urgent Care
Event Venue: Lyric and Jefferson TIE!
Women's Game Day Outfits: Neilsons