WOW! What a wonderful first week of orie
ntation. We have successfully completed the first week of Empty Nester's Nights and couldn't be happier with the turn out. Parents got to connect, mingle, unwind and enjoy the rooftop view. On both Tuesday and Thursday night, we met some AMAZING parents from all over the map. Parents, thank you so much for coming, we so enjoyed getting to meet you all.
Getting to chat with parents about recruitment, move-in day, football season, and all that the coming years have in store for both the new students and parents gave me so much joy. Ole Miss is truly a family and I am confident that Ole Miss is in great hands with these new students and parents. These students are the future leaders of the University, our communities and even our country and getting to meet the parents of these wonderful new kids on the block was truly an honor.
Thank you all for coming - the first week was a huge success if I do say so myself! Orientation coming up? RSVP to our upcoming Empty Nester's Nights here.
To all of you new Ole Miss parents, welcome to the Ole Miss family. It is an honor to have you.