Hi everyone! My name is Emily Suber, POM’s newest addition! I am a 2005 graduate of Ole Miss, and a LOVER of everything Oxford! I left here for a couple of years after graduation to spread my wings and see what all was out there, but when my college sweetheart and I decided to reunite and get married, we both moved back to Oxford to (re)start our life together. Fast forward a decade, and here we are raising our two small children in this ever-growing college town; and it feels more like home than I could have ever imagined.
I am originally from a small town in Tennessee, about two hours away, and was the only one from my high school graduating class to attend Ole Miss. My parents were born, raised, and attended college in Tennessee. They knew nothing about Oxford, Ole Miss, the Square, the Grove or even Mississippi. So, when I heard about ParentsofOleMiss.com, I was immediately intrigued; what a GREAT resource! My parents would have loved to have had a way to be informed about what Oxford is all about, where to do business, where to stay/shop/eat, ect.
Though my kids are nowhere near ready to think about college (they are currently 2 and 4, and more concerned with the current shows on Disney Jr J), I understand wanting to be connected and informed about what your children are involved in/where they are living/the culture and economy around them. That’s what POM is for. To help you stay in the loop.
Please feel free to email me anytime with questions about Oxford or Ole Miss. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction to get you the help you’re looking for! In the meantime, Hotty Toddy! emily@662marketing.com