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Graduation To Do's


Despite the fact it feels like we just sent our kids back for the spring semester, graduation is steadily approaching and May 12th will be here before you know it. This is an exciting time not only in your child’s life but yours as well; it also leaves many unknowns like where to get a cap and gown, diploma applications, and much more. Here are some important dates and information to help ensure your student is graduation ready.

The Grad Fair will be held next week in The Tad Pad from 10am to 4pm on March 6,7, and 8. The Grad Fair is essentially a one-stop shop for graduation to do’s. They will have the following available:

- Order cap & gown

- Grad photos with cap & gown

- Office of the Registrar to assist with degree application

- Career & resume help from the Career Center

- Sign up for Ole Miss Alumni Association

- Place orders for class rings, diploma frames & graduation invitations

For more information on the Grad Fair click here.

The cap and gown cost for a bachelor’s Degree candidate is $48.15. Graduates keep their cap and tassel but must return the gown after the conclusion of the ceremony. Drop off boxes for graduation gowns after the ceremony are located in the Grove, Manning Center, Coliseum, Student Union, Fulton Hall, Brevard Hall, and Alumni Center.

If your student can’t make it to The Grad Fair there is an option to place an order online, but be sure to order before April 21st to avoid being charged a $50 late fee.

If your student misses the cutoff date to order online, starting April 22nd the Ole Miss Bookstore in the Jackson Avenue Center is available to take orders.

Be sure to tell your to student to check their Ole Miss Gmail accounts as reminders are frequently emailed to them along with the Ole Miss Commencement website which contains valuable information regarding the ceremony.

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